



Axure RP 7 正式版下载 - 与官方同步更新

Vegeta 发表于 2013-7-4 15:56:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Axure RP 7 正式版 已经出来了!!!欢呼吧!!!


Axure RP 7 将给产品经理带来什么惊喜呢?


Axure RP 7 Beta 初始界面在中文系统与Axure RP 6一样,乱码(不碍事)

Axure RP 7 Beta 初始界面在中文系统与Axure RP 6一样,乱码(不碍事)

Axure RP 7 Beta 初始界面在中文系统与Axure RP 6一样,乱码(不碍事)

Axure RP 7 Beta 安装所需要硬盘空间,个头还是很小,很赞!

Axure RP 7 Beta 安装所需要硬盘空间,个头还是很小,很赞!

Axure RP 7 Beta 安装所需要硬盘空间,个头还是很小,很赞!

Axure RP 7 Beta 启动界面,扁平化了

Axure RP 7 Beta 启动界面,扁平化了

Axure RP 7 Beta 启动界面,扁平化了

Axure RP 7 Beta 工作界面色调偏暗,保护视力,细心呵护各位四眼产品经理

Axure RP 7 Beta 工作界面色调偏暗,保护视力,细心呵护各位四眼产品经理

Axure RP 7 Beta 工作界面色调偏暗,保护视力,细心呵护各位四眼产品经理

Axure RP 7 Beta 有哪些新功能?

以下简略介绍 Axure RP 7 Beta 新功能新特性,详细留给大家自己体验:)


  重点关注部件库所支持的触发事件 OnDoubleClick, OnContextMenu (right-click), OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnMouseHover, OnLongClick (Tap and Hold), OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp

  大家都看得懂吧?请注意,Axure RP 7 Beta 新增双击、右击、长按交互功能,移动互联网产品经理赶紧HIGH起来


Widget events: OnDoubleClick, OnContextMenu (right-click), OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnMouseHover, OnLongClick (Tap and Hold), OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp
Dynamic Panels have mouse and keyboard events.
Page events: OnWindowResize, OnWindowScroll and the mouse and keyboard events
Math, string, boolean and date operations. Too many to list here. Think javascript.
Ability to refer to 'This' in various interactions and conditions. i.e. Set text on This or Hide This.
Options when showing and hiding widgets to bring to front, treat as flyout, collapse/expand widgets below, and treat as lightbox.
Conditions to check if a widget is selected and to evaluate the key that was pressed for keyboard events.
All widgets can be hidden, moved, or brought to front (not only panels).


  重点关注Axure RP 7 Beta 支持字体导出及HTML5格式


Preview opens the current page in the browser and generates pages on demand.
Add web fonts and font mappings.
Toolbar for selecting adaptive views, toggling footnotes, highlighting active elements, and searching the sitemap.
Variables can be set to default values.
HTML5 doctype




Borders render within the dimensions of the widget for accurate dimensions.
Add borders, rounded corners, and set opacity on Images.
Apply outer, inner, and text shadows.
Select typefaces beyond bold and italic.
Page background images can be set to Stretch to Cover and Stretch to Contain.


  更为丰富的部件属性,可以设置各种形状、样式,较Axure RP 6.5单调的形状而言,也是一种惊喜。

Widget Properties.jpg

Text Fields and Text Areas can have a Hint with Hint Style.
Text Field Types: email, number, phone number, url, search
New shapes: paragraph (text panel replacement), H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, heart, plus, star, arrows, speech bubble
Shapes can be set to auto fit height and width of the text in the shape.
Shapes and images can be selected by default.
Dynamic Panels have an option to fit to content.
Abiliity to crop images.
Droplist height can be edited.
All widgets can be set hidden by default.



Adaptive Views.jpg



Axure RP 7 汉化补丁下载地址:http://bbs.masterchat.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2190
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小黑屋|产品经理之家 ( 粤ICP备12078725号 )

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